fall sick yesterday. in fact i dint want to see doctor de. but mummy and daddy die die wants to bring me to the docs. so ya, monday night i went there. dow with throat rednesss (meaning sore throat soon and infection), cough, and flu. maybe alil of fever. (if not why he gib me fever medicine?) after seeing doctor, i went dinner at kallang with mummy and daddy. on the way back, i saw this restaurant... its named FATTY WENG! wahahaha. i see le want to laugh sia. -peng- amanda told me they have a few FATTY WENG stalls somemore. waahahaha. POOR MR WENG. its your shop! anyway, i took mc, but i still go school. cos i decided that today i have alot of things to do in school. my projects are piling up, but luckily i went and do some. went to cut hair after projects~
jialat. i feel so kuku already. i cut my hair like short. but nvm! i suddenly thinks that my hair is quite smooth and soft. wahahahaha! like silky boy. LOL. anyway, thats not the main point la. picture speaks 1ooo words. see for yourself! :(
the back still looks alright la. hahaha. cos my tail is still intact. i gonna cut my tail soon... around this year. i swear! wahahaha. dont be shock. the front. and ck laugh la. say ugly. make me angry only. lol. actually i think its really short la. short until i want to cry. actually the person cut until my fringe is nearly a straight line. i die die ask him to cut slant! ill never be JENNY. right idy?
haha. some hand pictures. try and do this!! haha. when you can do it, join me and do it together. wahahahah. taken during IA lessons. too bored and have to do something to brighten the back row. LOL.
oh. this is taken last week? we went parkway cos of a heavy rainfall. no way to walk home, and have to take shelther there. so we bought alot of tibits. and bring home to eat. btw, we is andy ben ck and me. ahahaha. ben bought some 6bucks worth de potato chip.s blue potato they called it. wonder how it taste. i forget to ask him.
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