BEHOLD! ALL THE DAMN GEEKY PICTURES OF US to suit that day's geek and glam theme. and please try not to laugh. :]
HAHA. helping my friend doing her centre parting. WAHAHA
still looking alrite.
getting worse...
after all those pictures, time for some stage pictures of yvonne that looks damn pretty and cute that day. we never thot of her doing all these. so ya.. WATCH!
oh. jus taking a break sometime in the middle.. continue!
never see her so close with a guy before la.
our pageant queen :] in our hearts la. :] good job vonn!
look at her bareback dress! the other is my back. LOL.
anyway! not gonna post about whats happening these few weeks already. damn tired. :]
but was overall doing my project and rushing my project and going home daily :]:]
i fell like a damn good boy sometimes. :]:]:] pls agree! best was only..
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